2020 AGM Notice

The West Warwickshire Centre AGM will take place at 10:30am on Sunday 4th October in the hall at Greenhill Park Touring Site, Salters Lane, Bearley, Stratford on Avon, B95 6DN.

To comply with the guidelines issued by CAMC all WWCC members intending to attend the Meeting must register with the Centre Secretary by 20th September. All the relevant paperwork normally issued for the AGM will then be sent to those who have registered. No paperwork will be issued at the Meeting so please remember to bring your copies with you.

Social Distancing will be in place and, depending on the Government Covid Guidance in place at the time of the meeting, numbers will be restricted to Lead, Joint and Family members who have submitted an application for Centre registration through the Club offices at East Grinstead to the Centre Secretary at least 35 days prior to the meeting. Eligibility will be checked by the Secretary on receipt of any application to register for attendance at the AGM and, if not eligible, you will be notified. Should there be large numbers wishing to attend entry will be given on a “first come, first served” basis.  Face covering will be required to be worn whilst in the venue.  Please note that no presentations will be made and that refreshments will not be available.

All Officers and Committee retire annually and nominations for the Committee, in any capacity, should be in the hands of the Centre Secretary by 10am on Sunday 20th September 2020. Please remember that the Centre needs volunteers to be able to continue to operate for the benefit of the membership.  Nomination this year will be via email.  If you wish to stand please email the Secretary with your name, membership number and position you wish to be nominated for.  Also send a copy to your proposer and seconder asking them to email the Secretary with their agreement.

To register to attend or to nominate for Committee please email the Secretary at:



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